Monday, February 16, 2009

Hoo Rah!

I finally got all the pictures from the Lincoln Exposed Extravaganza processed and posted. Probably more trouble than it was worth.

And now for something completely different, here's a cobbled up picture of the world famous Deuce as a poster for his latest movie, Lost Samurai, soon to be released ... from prison that is.

This latest effort follows his last endeavor, the critically injured semi-triumph known only as, "SHUT OFF THAT DAMN CAMERA OR I'LL PUNCH IT THROUGH YOUR FACE."

Actually the only place you can see either of these movies is at the Insane Icons Imaginary Cinema or in the Demented Depths of Your Own Mind provided that you can obtain the necessary chemical supplements or hit yourself hard enough with a hammer.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Puzzle is Done!

This week's crossword is created. It's all about Valentine's Day of course.

Click on the Crosswords link on the left and choose the one you want.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunshine Superman

Is that damn groundhog around here somewhere. If he is, he's sure gonna see his shadow. The sun is blinding me even down here in my hole.